Sep 2, 2009

Christina's Plow

10-1/2" x 13-1/2" Watercolor

Just finished a tribute painting to my favorite artist Andrew Wyeth. It's based upon Wyeth's "Christina's World" along with inspiration by a photograph by Stephen Baird.

Aug 11, 2009

If You'e Going to San Fransisco...

9-1/2 x 7-1/2 Watercolor

If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there
Scott McKenzie

First reaction: This challenge from Karin Jurick at DSFDF is going to kick my butt.

Next thought: This is the kind of subject that John Salminen masters and I happen to really like his work.

Finally: As the painting came near to being finished I remembered that song from way back when about San Fransisco and it put me in a good mood.

Jul 27, 2009

Neighborhood Watch

12 x 7-1/2 Watercolor
This is my first time taking on Karin Jurick's challenge at DSFDF. I took her advice and did some sketching of the figure before starting the actual painting which helped in getting the figure right. I tried to focus on his weight as it settles into the chair.

Jul 10, 2009

Pieces of Amy

9-1/2 x 7-1/2 watercolor

Work at the regular job has been demanding leaving little time to paint. But finally, I got the chance to sit down and get back to the passion with this painting. It's a gift for Amy Fread, an artist who makes beautiful pottery. These 3 pieces are gifts that she made for my family.

Feb 18, 2009


5 x 7 Watercolor

This old guy is now 14 years old and has cheated death at least 2 times in the last year. He's fragile and scraggly, but still has bright eyes and is loved by all in the house.

Feb 15, 2009

The Path to a Man's Heart

5 x 7 Watercolor

Last fall I found out my cholesteral level was over 300. Fending off perscribed medication the doctor agreed to letting me give diet and exercise a try. My wife Joan kicked right in and made sure I started eating the right kinds of food. That together with regular bike riding brought the number down by 60 pts. in just 3 months. Joan continues to make sure that I eat all kinds of healthy food and take my vitamins. I gave her this painting on Valentine's day to let her know that she has won my heart and made it stronger.

To immediately reduce your cholesteral level I reccommend oatmeal every morning with blueberries and wheat germ. Add strawberries for additonal flavor.

Feb 9, 2009


11 x 14 Watercolor

Zeus was a great dog. He belonged to Betty McMillan, my sister-in-law's mother. He's gone now, but Sonja wanted me to paint a picture of him for her mom. I finished it last night.

In an effort to get his likeness right I was a prisoner to the reference photo. It was only when I put the photo away and just painted that it started to look like anything good. Nevertheless, I still wish it was looser.

Feb 8, 2009


4 x 6 Watercolor

Hopelessly self destructive, F. Scott Fitzgerald died when he was only 44. Eight years later his wife Zelda died at the age of 48. Last year we made the pilgrimage to Rockville, MD where they are buried. Fitzgerald is my daughter Anna's favorite writer; she plans to visit other notable places connected to his life as time goes on. But her journey began at the place where his ended. I did this little painting last night for her to treasure the moment.

Feb 6, 2009


This guy visits every couple of days just outside our front window. I decided to capture him in a small 4 x 6 watercolor. I'm sending it to my mom for her birthday. She is 83 on February 9.

Jan 29, 2009

Double Trouble Bog

Here's a painting I did in the summer of 2007. It's part of the cranberry bogs at Double Trouble State Park in New Jersey.

7-1/2 x 9-1/2 Watercolor

Jan 27, 2009

"The Mill"

7 x 10 Watercolor

December 2006

This old mill still stands in Middleville, NJ a quarter mile down the road from the house I grew up in at Swartswood Lake. In this painting I began to understand the importance of light and the interesting effects of shadows.

I gave it to Mom and Dad for Christmas.

"Lady on the Hill"

10 x 7 Watercolor

January 2007

A painting of a sculpture of a painting. Seward Johnson brings paintings to life with his inspiring scultures which can be found at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ. So I in turn stole this image back into a painting.
I gave it to my sister for her birthday.

Jan 26, 2009